Limited-Time Offer: New MIMO book for $50

If you want to develop a strong foundational knowledge of MIMO technology, I recommend you to read our new book Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces.

The PDF is available for free from the publisher’s website, and you can download the simulation code and answers to the exercises from GitHub.

I am amazed at how many people have already downloaded the PDF. However, books should ideally be read in physical format, so we have arranged a special offer for you. Until May 15, you can also buy color-printed copies of the book for only $50 (the list price is $145). To get that price, click on “Buy Book” at the publisher’s website, enter the discount code 919110, and unselect “Add Track & Trace Shipping” (the courier service costs extra).

Here is a video where I explain why we wrote the book and who it is for:

2 thoughts on “Limited-Time Offer: New MIMO book for $50”

  1. Dear Prof. Emil,

    Thank you for sharing the book. It is very insightful. I have a quick question. In Chapter 9, page 606, it reads ‘If the reflected signal were a plane wave, the channel gain would be zero in all other directions, which is not the case.’ Can you please elaborate? Why do you say that no energy will be received at any angular location not in the propagation direction of the plane wave?

    Thanks in advance.

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