Eight Hours of MIMO Lectures

Like many other teachers, I had to quickly switch from physical teaching to online mode at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am normally giving lectures in a course called Multiple Antenna Communications in the period March to May. It is a luxury to teach this course since there are only 5-10 students and these have actively selected the course so they are truly interested in the topic!

Since I was anyway going to give online lectures, I was thinking: Why not record them in a way that other people could also benefit from them? I normally give 2-hour lectures where I switch between presenting PowerPoint slides and giving examples on the whiteboard; for example, I might make a theoretical derivation on the board and then summarize it on a slide and show simulation results. This time, I decided to decouple these activities by creating one video per lecture that the students could watch in advance, and then I had live sessions where I went through prepared examples and answered questions. This was done by sharing my screen and write the examples into OneNote using a simple drawing pad, which isn’t so much different from writing on a whiteboard.

I think this online teaching approach was quite successful. I am quite satisfied with the 12 lecture videos that I created, which consist of a total of 8 hours of narrated slides. The first video has more than 6000 views on YouTube, which is three orders-of-magnitude more than the number of students that I had in the course. I received many requests for the slides, so I uploaded them to GitHub.

Here is the video series in its entirety:

I will keep these resources available. If you are a teacher, please feel free to reuse the videos or slides in your teaching! I hope that the efforts that I and other teachers put into producing online content during the pandemic can be utilized to aid the learning of students also in the years to come.

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