Category Archives: News

The RISe of Experimental Research

The academic research into wireless communication is fast-paced, enabled by the fact that one can write a paper in just a few months if it only involves mathematical derivations and computer simulations. This feature can be a strength when it comes to identifying new concepts and developing know-how, but it also leaves a lot of research results unproven in the real world. Even if the math is correct, the underpinning models simplify the physical world. The models can have served us well in the past, but might have to be refined to keep delivering accurate insights as wireless technology becomes more advanced. This is why experimental validation is essential to build credibility behind new wireless functionalities.

Unfortunately, there are many disadvantages to being an experimental researcher in the wireless communication community. It takes longer to gather material for publications, the required hardware equipment makes the research much more expensive, and experimental results are seldom given the recognition they deserve (e.g., when awards and citations are handed out). As a result, theoretical works dominate ComSoc’s scientific journals.

The dominance of purely theoretical contributions means that we can accidentally build an entire house of cards of an emerging concept before we have validated experimentally that the foundation is solid. We can take the pilot contamination phenomenon as an example: hundreds of theoretical papers analyzed its consequences in the last decade and devised algorithms to mitigate it. However, I have not seen any experimental work validating any of it.

Experiments on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Get Recognition

In recent years, the most hyped new technology is reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). My research on this topic started five years ago when I became suspicious of the claims and modeling provided in some early works. We addressed these issues in the paper “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Three Myths and Two Critical Questions” in 2020, but I remained skeptical of the technology’s maturity until later that year. That is when a group at the University of Surrey published a video showcasing an experimental proof-of-concept in an indoor scenario.

Further experimental results were disseminated right after that. 2024 is a special year: IEEE ComSoc decided to award two of these works with their finest awards for journal publications, thereby recognizing the importance of elevating the technology readiness level (TRL) through validation and field trials.

The IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award went to the paper “Wireless Communications With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Path Loss Modeling and Experimental Measurement“. This paper validated the theoretical near-field pathloss formulas for RIS-aided communications through measurements in an anechoic chamber.

The IEEE ComSoc Stephen O. Rice Prize went to the paper “RIS-Aided Wireless Communications: Prototyping, Adaptive Beamforming, and Indoor/Outdoor Field Trials“. This paper raised the TRL to 5 by demonstrating the use of the technology in a real WiFi network using existing power measurements for over-the-air RIS configuration. Experiments were made in both indoor and outdoor scenarios. I thank Prof. Haifan Yin and his team at Huazhong University of Science and Technology for involving me in this prototyping effort.

Thanks to experimental works like these, we know that the RIS technology is practically feasible to build, the basic theoretical formulas match reality, and an RIS can provide substantial gains in the intended deployment scenarios. However, if the technology should be used in 6G, we still need to find a compelling business case—this was one of the critical questions posed in my 2020 paper and it remains unanswered.

New book: Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces

The way that mobile communication networks are designed changed dramatically with the advent of 5G. In the past, it was all about utilizing large bandwidths and deploying many base stations. Nowadays, we are instead equipping each base station and smartphone with multiple antennas, which enables us to use signal processing algorithms to improve signal strength, enhance reliability, and send more data of the same spectrum by controlling the spatial direction of each signal layer. In essence, we refine the hardware and algorithms instead of deploying more infrastructure and requiring more signal resources.

Further dramatic changes are envisioned in the 6G era, where the use of even larger antenna arrays uncovers near-field effects, conventional frequency bands will be complemented with millimeter and sub-terahertz spectrum, optimized reflections from reconfigurable surfaces might improve propagation conditions, and communication networks can provide new localization and sensing services.

These extraordinary changes will affect not only the wireless technology but also the required knowledge and skills among the engineers and researchers who will implement it. Hence, it is essential to revise the curriculum in basic wireless communication courses to shift focus onto these new aspects of the physical layer.

When I realized the need for a new basic textbook, I joined forces with Özlem Tuğfe Demir to write “Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces”, NowOpen (2024). The book provides a gentle introduction to multiple antenna communications with a focus on system modeling, channel capacity theory, algorithms, and practical implications. The reader is expected to be familiar with basic signals and systems, linear algebra, probability theory, and digital communications, but a comprehensive recap is provided in the book. Once the fundamental point-to-point and multi-user MIMO theory and its practical implications have been covered, we also demonstrate how similar methodologies are used for wireless localization, radar sensing, and optimization of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces.

The first draft of the book was written for the first-year Master course TSKS14 Multiple Antenna Communications at Linköping University. You might have seen the YouTube video series that I produced while teaching that course during the pandemic. The book covers the same things and much more, and it contains numerous new examples and exercises.

The writing process focused on pinpointing all the technical and practical know-how that we believe the next-generation wireless engineers must have within this topic. We then wrote the text as a story that leads to these points. The writing has taken a long time: four years of progressive course material development followed by two years of intense writing with the goal of completing a book.

Our ambition has not been to write the one-and-only textbook on the topic, but the book that one should read first to build a deep knowledge foundation. After that, one can continue reading books such as “Fundamentals of Massive MIMO,” “Massive MIMO Networks,” or “Foundations of User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO,” depending on personal preference.

The book is published with open access and accompanying MATLAB code that reproduces all the simulation results. You can access the PDF from the publisher’s website, where you can also buy printed copies. We are extremely proud of the book and hope you will like it too!

Episode 38: Things We Learned at the 6G Symposium

We have now released the 38th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

Many topics are studied within the 6G research community, from hardware design to algorithms, protocols, and services. Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson recently attended the ELLIIT 6G Symposium in Lund, Sweden. In this episode, they discuss ten things that they learned from listening to the keynote speeches. The topics span from integrated sensing, positioning, and localization via machine-learning applications in communications to fundamental communication theory, such as circuits for universal channel decoding and jamming protection. The expected 6G spectrum ranges, energy efficiency in base stations, and new use cases for electromagnetic materials are also covered. You can find slides from the symposium here.

Ten things we learned

3:22 Integrated sensing and communication 12:45 Positioning using phase-coherent access points 20:42 Experimental work on positioning from ELLIIT Focus period 24:02 Trained activation functions in machine learning 30:25 Learning to operate a reconfigurable intelligent surface 37:15 Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND) 44:30 Protecting digital beamforming against jamming 53:02 6G frequency spectrum 1:01:50 Energy efficiency in base stations 1:08:47 New use cases for electromagnetic materials

You can watch the video podcast on YouTube:

You can listen to the audio-only podcast at the following places:

The Golden Frequencies

The golden frequencies for wireless access are in the band below 6 GHz. Why are these frequencies so valuable? The reasons, of course, are rooted in the physics. First, the wavelength is short enough that a (numerically) large array has an attractive form factor, enabling spatial multiplexing even from a single antenna panel. At the same time, the wavelength is large enough that a sufficiently large aperture can be obtained with a reasonable number of antennas – which, in turn, directly translates into a favorable link budget and high coverage. Second, below 6 GHz, Doppler is low enough, even at high mobility, that reciprocity-based beamforming based on uplink pilots for channel estimation works without relying on prior assumptions on the propagation environment, let alone on the fading statistics. This directly translates into robustness, simplicity of implementation, and scalability with respect to the number of service antennas. Third, these frequencies are not hindered so much by blockage, and strong multipath components can guarantee connectivity even when there is no line-of-sight, while in contrast, for mmWave a human blocking the line-of-sight path can suffice to break the link. Finally, analog microelectronics for the golden bands is mature, and very energy-efficient.

Distributed MIMO (D-MIMO) with reciprocity-based beamforming is the natural way of best exploiting the golden frequencies. This technology naturally operates in the [geometric] near-field of the “super-array” collectively constituted by all antenna panels together. In fact, the actual antenna deployment hardly matters at all! With reciprocity-based beamforming, the physical shape of the actual beams, and grating lobe phenomena in particular, become irrelevant. If anything, given a set of antennas, it is advantageous to spread them out over as large aperture as possible. The only definite no-no is to place antennas closer than half a wavelength together: such dense packing of antennas is almost never meaningful, as sampling points lambda/2-spaced apart captures essentially all the degrees of freedom of the field; putting the antennas closer results in coupling effects that are usually of more harm than benefit.

REINDEER is the European project that develops and demonstrates D-MIMO for the golden frequencies. What are the most important technical challenges? One is, down-to-earth, to handle the vast amounts of baseband data, and process them in real time. Another is time and phase synchronization of distributed MIMO arrays: antenna panels driven by independent local oscillators must be re-calibrated for joint reciprocity every time the oscillators have drifted apart. Locking the clocks using cabling is possible in principle, but considered very expensive to deploy. A third is initial access, covering space uniformly with system information signals, and waking up sleeping devices. A fourth is energy-efficiency, at all levels in the network. A fifth is the integration of service of energy-neutral devices that communicate via backscattering. D-MIMO naturally offers the infrastructure for that, permitting simultaneous transmission and reception from different panels in a bistatic setup; however, these activities break the TDD flow and must be carefully integrated into the workings of the system.

If sub-6 GHz are gold, then what is silver? Perhaps right above: the 7-15 GHz band, that is intended in 6G to extend the “main capacity” layer. It appears that these bands can still be suitable mobile applications, and that higher carriers (28 GHz, 38 GHz) are appropriate for fixed wireless access mostly. But the sub-6 GHz bands will remain golden and the first choice for the most challenging situations: high mobility, area coverage, and outdoor-to-indoor.

Erik G. Larsson
Liesbet Van der Perre

Episode 36: 6G from an Operator Perspective

We have now released the 36th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

It is easy to get carried away by futuristic 6G visions, but what matters in the end is what technology and services the telecom operators will deploy. In this episode, Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson discuss a new white paper from SK Telecom that describes the lessons learned from 5G and how these experiences can be utilized to make 6G more successful. The paper and conversation cover network evolution, commercial use cases, virtualization, artificial intelligence, and frequency spectrum. The latest developments in defining official 6G requirements are also discussed. The white paper can be found here. The following news article about mmWave licenses is mentioned. The IMT-2030 Framework for 6G can be found here.

You can watch the video podcast on YouTube:

You can listen to the audio-only podcast at the following places:

25 Years of Signal Processing Advances for Multiantenna Communications

Multiantenna communications have a long and winding history, starting with how Guglielmo Marconi used an array of phase-aligned antennas to communicate over the Atlantic and Karl Ferdinand Braun used a triangular array to transmit phase-shifted signal copies to beamform in a controlled direction. The use of antenna arrays for spatial diversity and multiplexing has since appeared. The cellular network pioneer Martin Cooper tried to launch multi-user MIMO in the 1990s but concluded in 1996 that “computers weren’t powerful enough to operate it”.

During the last 25 years, multiantenna communications have changed from being a technology only used for beamforming and diversity, to becoming a mainstream enabler of high-capacity communication in 5G. It is used for both single-user and multi-user MIMO when connecting any modern mobile phone to the Internet, in both the 3 GHz and mmWave bands.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is celebrating its 75 years anniversary and, therefore, the Signal Processing Magazine publishes a special issue focusing on the last 25 years of research developments. I have written a paper for this issue called “25 Years of Signal Processing Advances for Multiantenna Communications“. It is now available on arXiv, and it is co-authored by Yonina Eldar, Erik G. Larsson, Angel Lozano, and H. Vincent Poor. I hope you will like it!

Episode 34: How to Achieve 1 Terabit/s over Wireless?

We have now released the 34th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

The speed of wired optical fiber technology is soon reaching 1 million megabits per second, also known as 1 terabit/s. Wireless technology is improving at the same pace but is 10 years behind in speed, thus we can expect to reach 1 terabit/s over wireless during the next decade. In this episode, Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson discuss these expected developments with a focus on the potential use cases and how to reach these immense speeds in different frequency bands – from 1 GHz to 200 GHz. Their own thoughts are mixed with insights gathered at a recent workshop at TU Berlin. Major research challenges remain, particularly related to algorithms, transceiver hardware, and decoding complexity.

You can watch the video podcast on YouTube:

You can listen to the audio-only podcast at the following places: