A series of recent papers,
- Channel Estimation and Performance Analysis of One-Bit Massive MIMO Systems
- One-bit massive MIMO: Channel estimation and high-order modulations,
- Performance of the Wideband Massive Uplink MIMO with One-Bit ADCs,
suggest the use of 1-bit ADCs in Massive MIMO base station receivers. Important studies of a concept, that offers great potential for cost saving and simplification of transceiver hardware.
Granted, much lower resolution will be sufficient in Massive MIMO than in conventional MIMO, but will one bit be sufficient? These papers indicate that the price to pay is not insignificant: the number of antennas may have to be doubled in some cases. Also, while the use of symbol-sampled models as in these studies may give correct order-of-magnitude estimates of capacity, much future work appears to remain to understand the effects of digital channelization/prefiltering and sampling rate conversion if 1-bit frontends are going to be used.