Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 35: Ten Challenges on the Road to 6G

We have now released the 35th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

The main directions for 6G research have been established and include pushing the communication to higher frequency bands, creating smart radio environments, and removing the conventional cell structure. There are many engineering issues to address on the way to realizing these visions. In this episode, Emil Björnson and Erik G. Larsson discuss the article “The Road to 6G: Ten Physical Layer Challenges for Communications Engineers” from 2021. What specific research challenges did the authors identify, and what remains to be done? The conversation covers system modeling complexity, hardware implementation issues, and signal processing scalability. The article can be found here: The following papers were also mentioned: and

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Episode 34: How to Achieve 1 Terabit/s over Wireless?

We have now released the 34th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

The speed of wired optical fiber technology is soon reaching 1 million megabits per second, also known as 1 terabit/s. Wireless technology is improving at the same pace but is 10 years behind in speed, thus we can expect to reach 1 terabit/s over wireless during the next decade. In this episode, Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson discuss these expected developments with a focus on the potential use cases and how to reach these immense speeds in different frequency bands – from 1 GHz to 200 GHz. Their own thoughts are mixed with insights gathered at a recent workshop at TU Berlin. Major research challenges remain, particularly related to algorithms, transceiver hardware, and decoding complexity.

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Episode 33. Reproducible Wireless Research

We have now released the 33rd episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

Research is carried out to obtain new knowledge, find solutions to pertinent problems, and challenge the researchers’ abilities. Two key aspects of the scientific process are reproducibility and replicability, which sound similar but are distinctly different. In this episode, Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson discuss these principles and their impact on wireless communication research. The conversation covers the replication crisis, Monte Carlo simulations, best practices, pitfalls that new researchers should avoid, and what the community can become better at. The following article is mentioned: “Reproducible Research: Best Practices and Potential Misuse”.

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Episode 32: Information-Theoretic Foundations of 6G (With Giuseppe Caire)

The Wireless Future podcast is back with a new season. We have released the 32nd episode, which has the following abstract:

Information theory is the research discipline that establishes the fundamental limits for information transfer, storage, and processing. Major advances in wireless communications have often been a combination of information-theoretic predictions and engineering efforts that turn them into mainstream technology. Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson invited the information-theorist Giuseppe Caire, Professor at TU Berlin, to discuss how the discipline is shaping current and future wireless networks. The conversation first covers the journey from classical multiuser information theory to Massive MIMO technology in 5G. The rest of the episode goes through potential future developments that can be assessed through information theory: distributed MIMO, orthogonal time-frequency-space (OTFS) modulation, coded caching, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, terahertz bands, and the use of ever larger numbers of antennas. The following papers are mentioned: “OTFS vs. OFDM in the Presence of Sparsity: A Fair Comparison”, “Joint Spatial Division and Multiplexing”, and “Massive MIMO has Unlimited Capacity”. 

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Episode 31: Analog Modulation and Over-the-Air Aggregation

We have now released the 31st episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

A wave of digitalization is sweeping over the world, but not everything benefits from a transformation from analog to digital methods. In this episode, Emil Björnson and Erik G. Larsson discuss the fundamentals of analog modulation techniques to pinpoint their key advantages. Particular attention is given to how analog modulation enables over-the-air aggregation of data, which can be used for computations, efficient federated training of machine learning models, and distributed hypothesis testing. The conversation covers the need for coherent operation and power control and outlines the challenges that researchers are now facing when extending the methods to multi-antenna systems. Towards the end, the following paper is mentioned: “Optimal MIMO Combining for Blind Federated Edge Learning with Gradient Sparsification”.

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Episode 30: The Sionna Library for Link-Level Simulations (With Jakob Hoydis)

We have now released the 30th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

Many assumptions must be made when simulating a communication link, including the modulation format, channel coding, multi-antenna transmission scheme, receiver processing, and channel modeling. In this episode, Emil Björnson and Erik G. Larsson are visited by Jakob Hoydis, Principal Research Scientist at NVIDIA, to discuss the fundamentals of link-level simulations. Jakob has led the development of the new open-source simulator Sionna, which is particularly well suited for machine learning research. The conversation covers the needs and means for making accurate simulations, channel modeling, reproducibility, and how machine learning can be used to improve standard algorithms. Other topics that are discussed are MIMO decoding and technical debt. Sionna can be downloaded from and the white paper that is mentioned in the episode is found here.

You can watch the video podcast on YouTube:

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Episode 29: Six 6G Technologies: The cases for and against 

We have now released the 29th episode of the podcast Wireless Future. It has the following abstract:

The research towards 6G is intense and many new technology components are being proposed by academia and industry. In this episode, Erik G. Larsson and Emil Björnson identify the key selling points of six of these 6G technologies. They discuss the potential for major breakthroughs and what the main challenges are. The episode covers: 1) Semantic communications; 2) Distributed/cell-free Massive MIMO; 3) Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces; 4) Full-duplex radios; 5) Joint communication and sensing; and 6) Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM). The following paper is mentioned: “Is Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Based Radio Communication an Unexploited Area?” by Edfors and Johansson. 

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